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photos of person eating Mediterranean salad next to photo of Mediterranean food ingredients

Age well with the Mediterranean diet

Instead of saying 'diet', I like to use the term 'eating pattern' which refers to the quantities, proportions, variety, or combinations of different foods and beverages that are habitually consumed over a long period of time. Dietary patterns can help predict health later in life. The...
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5 healthy aging tips for all ages

September is Healthy Aging Month which is something we can all acknowledge since we’re all aging. I like to call it “gaining momentum”. We all gather momentum as we age through the build-up of experiences and insights. Embrace this dynamic process that leads to new abilities and knowledge that can...
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Stress and IBS

April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month AND Stress Awareness Month. If you don't know what IBS is or what it's like, then consider yourself lucky. Between 25 and 45 million people in the United States (10 to 15% of the population) are affected. The exact cause of IBS is not known...
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Sweet and Savory Oats

Make the most of your oats

Oats can be found in many cultural dishes such as Scotland's haggis and Muesli from the Swiss. Oats have been a popular addition to many recipes and a staple food source for centuries (printable recipes below). Oats are an extremely versatile whole grain and can be added to many recipes from...
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Getting Kids in the Kitchen, Developing Healthy Lifestyles

When I was a child, I loved running errands with my mom. I especially loved going to the grocery store and picking out colorful produce and other staples we needed for the week. I would wander through the produce section eagerly anticipating a new fruit or vegetable sample. I'll never forget the...
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Have You Had Your Green Today?

Green is the color of spring, rebirth, renewal and represents balance and growth. If you're eating with the seasons it's time to focus on the green and restore your energy levels. Greens are in season! Spring is peak season so pick some up at your local market or...
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Food Rescue at Home

As we head into the month of March, let's all pause and reflect on our eating habits because after all, March is National Nutrition Month and a great time to reevaluate what is on our plates. More importantly let's pay special attention to what we are scraping off our plates into the trash...
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3 Healthy Habits for the Best Version of YOU

1. Be Grateful Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough. –Oprah Winfrey This quote reminds us that we need to live gratefully. How do we do this? Remember that this moment is not...
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Winter Self-Care Activities

I always get a strange feeling around this time of year. It could be all the ghoulish Halloween décor or the fact that the days are getting shorter and my to-do list is not!! Maybe a combination of the two has me a little on edge but the trick is to treat yourself with love and set the right...
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