So much more to offer than stains!

We have discontinued our stain solution website.

At Illinois Extension, our reputation is built on providing reliable, proven research-based information. It's behind every recommendation we provide, woven into the very fabric of every program, every encounter, and every word we write. Much has changed in the textile world since the Stain Solution website was created. We no longer have the expertise to confidently update the website to reflect those changes. 

We won't promise you something we can't stand behind. You deserve reliable information you can trust. 

Although we've discontinued the Stain Solutions website, there are still thousands of pages of content that can benefit your family, your business, and your communities. We hope you'll explore the many ways we can help you build a better world. When we are able to verify the information about stain removal, we'll begin again, a fresh start to helping you fix life's little hiccups.


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Financial Wellness Checkup Campaign Back-to-school planning

Back to School planning

Back-to-school excitement – with a little spice of apprehension – is in the air! As the back-to-school season approaches, financial challenges and opportunities abound. One opportunity is to help youth grow their money skills. It’s easier to engage people in money conversations and decision-making...
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Vegetable garden tips for after a rain

When it finally rains after a dry spell, it is such a relief and gives gardeners a few days off before the watering patrol kicks in again. Our plants get the dust and dirt washed off, foliage perks up, and if the flowers were on the dry side, foliage colors return to normal. More than just our...
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Tree Stand Safety

4-H stressing tree stand safety for hunters

It wasn’t that long ago a teenage boy was working a part-time job at a family-owned tree nursery when he was privy to a conversation between the business owners about the loss of young trees due to whitetail deer browsing and antler rubbing.    The boy’s interest peaked on the...
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photo of tomatoes

Enjoy your tomatoes all year

It’s almost tomato time! As I look at my raised garden bed, I am patiently waiting on my cherry, Rutgers, and Early Girl tomato plants to ripen. I plan to can pint jars of tomatoes that are perfect for making spaghetti sauce and chili, dehydrate tomatoes when I don’t have enough ready to can, roast...
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Protect yourself from invading mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are out and about ruining people’s picnics, hikes and gardening with their constant swarming and need to obtain blood from innocent Illinois residents. Adult mosquitoes eat nectar, pollen and honeydew (insect droppings full of sugar). However, the adult female needs the protein from...
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Blanching broccoli for freezing

Freezing your summer harvest

Freezing has many benefits. It maintains the fresh flavor, natural color, and nutritional value better than canning or dehydrating. Plus, it is easy, convenient and requires less time compared to other food preservation methods. Making it an excellent way to preserve the summer harvest. To...
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Path through prairie grass

Creating a vision for your urban agriculture project

Your vision is what you want your world to look like in the future. Businesses or projects are created to change the future by creating a product or filling a service gap. Getting clear about what you want to change helps you to plan your business, run your business, and...
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¿Qué es la diabetes?

La diabetes es una enfermedad que se presenta cuando el nivel de glucosa en la sangre, también conocido como azúcar en la sangre, es demasiado alto. La glucosa en la sangre es la...
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Experience fluidity with the water element

This week, as we continue our journey through the five elements we turn our attention towards the element of water. There are no shortage of example of water in nature, including streams, rivers, lakes and the ocean. The human body contains a significant amount of water as well as other fluids...
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All Our Specialty Websites
The future of farming
Raise healthy cattle for healthy profit
Enjoy evergreens throughout the year
Life is tied to the planet's health
Build a beautiful community
Together we make communities better
Turn leftovers into fertilizer
Create joy in a pot
Be a cottage foods seller
Producing food for a growing world
Keys to managing your diabetes
Be ready before disasters occur
We help you build thriving communities
Powering our needs
Taking good care of our planet
Build a brighter family future
Growing profits
Light a fire this season
Treat yourself to beauty
Healthy foods lead to healthier lives
Illinois is rich in native tree species
Pick a fruit from your backyard tree
Start living well today
Grow new revenue with that land
Herbs add flavor to life
Grow more food at home
Bring the joy inside
Grasses improve the health of our planet
It's a buggy world
Keep Illinois natural areas strong
Healthy lawns help us all
Raising livestock in a changing world
Your source for reliable information
Stay current in a changing landscape
Live a life of joyful purpose
Grow specialty mushrooms for profit
We have one planet
Explore solutions to nutrient loss
Make wise decisions
If your plant isn't happy, find solutions here
Explore all types of plants
Grow and eat this fall delight
Problems of too much or too little
Be a steward of the land
Grow the world's most beautiful flower
Protect your home environment
Big taste in each bite
Soil health impacts plant growth
Emerging news for commercial growers
Creating places for kids to grow
Take measures to avoid ticks
Cook the centerpiece of your celebration
Vaccines save lives
Be prepared for hazardous weather
Start their love of gardening early
eat move save cartoon characters


Make healthier choices on any budget. 

butterfly on plant for illinois pollinator

Illinois Pollinators

Pollinators are vital to both plant life and human life on earth.

feeding baby spoonful of food

Feeding My Baby

When is the right time to introduce complementary foods?