Building Strong Website Event Listings

Events are one of the key pathways for Illinois Extension to connect with our communities. And event listings on our website are the primary driver of traffic to all the other content we feature on the state and unit websites. 

To help event listings perform well with search engines, and to ensure that potential participants have enough information to evaluate their interest in an event, follow these suggestions for creating good event listings. These best practices will improve the readability and visibility of your events. 

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Core Policies on Creating Strong Website Event Listings

These best practices will guide the development of a set of online event listings that are consistent in their quality and accuracy, which are hallmarks of a good user experience. We are committed to creating event descriptions that will perform well in online searches, such as Google, so that when users are looking for content like ours, we can achieve the visibility and branding we need to cut through the clutter and noise of everything that lives on the Internet.

Addressed in This Guide

  • General editing tips
  • Writing clear, effective event names
  • Using compelling and interesting images
  • Tips for what to do and what to avoid when writing a good event description
  • Examples and illustrations to demonstrate the best practices in action