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Preparing the Meal for Thanksgiving

If it's your turn to host the family holiday dinner, you hopefully have your game plan ready. There's a lot to consider, including whether or not you have the space: dining table space, burner/oven space and refrigerator space. Not to mention, what foods you are going to prepare and what foods you...
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Easy Mashed Potatoes for Your Thanksgiving Meal!

Mashed potatoes are a classic dish at most everyone's Thanksgiving dinner table. Whether you like them silky and smooth or hearty and chunky, they're a delicious accompaniment to roasted turkey. In simplest form, mashed potatoes are put together with just five ingredients: potatoes, milk, butter,...
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Is Agave Nectar a Healthier Alternative to Sugar?

Even most children can tell you that excess sugar isn't healthy, unless of course they are bargaining for just one more piece of Halloween candy! A high sugar diet may lead to cavities and obesity and in turn, influence diabetes and heart disease. This may have you thinking about alternative ways...
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Shout for Sauerkraut!

Sauerkraut is the German word for "sour cabbage" and is most notably known for it's use in German-inspired dishes. However, it actually originated in China and has now become one of the most well known fermented products on the market. Sauerkraut is shredded cabbage that has been...
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Save the Seeds!

As you carve frightening or charming faces in your jack-o-lanterns this Halloween, be sure to keep the seeds for a nutritious snack. Pumpkin seeds are truly one of the greatest rewards to this fall activity. Saving the seeds is easy. Once cutting out the stem of the pumpkin, the fun part begins!...
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Root for the Turnip!

Autumn is an ideal time to savor the flavors of root vegetables, including turnips. Turnips belong to the cabbage family, and most often resemble their cousins, rutabaga and kohlrabi. They have a mild flavor and texture like...
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Ratatouille, the Food not the Movie

Sadly, only one in ten American adults meet the recommended amount of fruits (1 ½ - 2 cups) and vegetables (2 – 3 cups) each day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you sheepishly think to yourself that this is you, start the autumn season off with a healthy start and a...
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Holy Guacamole!

Is there really anything better than guacamole? It's a test to one's self-restraint to not eat the whole bowl of dip in one sitting. This mouth-watering avocado-based dip is a healthy snack when eaten in moderation. Occasionally called by its nickname, "guac," it's made by mashing avocados with...
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Cold Brew is the New Cool

Do you remember when you used to order a coffee and you received just that: a cup of steaming hot coffee? Now you order a coffee and they ask "hot or cold?" Cold coffee and coffee beverages have jumped into the coffee arena at full speed, particularly with the introduction of cold brew coffee....
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Figuring Out Food Allergies

Fixing foods for other children is not just about choosing yummy kid-friendly foods anymore. We now need to think about the possibility of children having food allergies. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in thirteen children have at least one food allergy. If you...
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