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Is it Ketchup or Catsup?

Whether you spell it catsup or ketchup, you've likely squirted this popular condiment on a variety of foods. The first documentation of the product dated back to the 1600's when Europeans brought back the sauce from China. However, this wasn't the ketchup we know today. In fact, it was derived from...
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An Appreciation for Currants

Sadly, currants do not seem to get the respect and admiration that they deserve. However, in Europe, their love for currants is like our love for blackberries or raspberries. In fact, the purple candy in a bag of Skittles® is flavored grape in the U.S., but tastes like black currant in the U.K. Why...
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The Perfect Panini

When a cold sandwich just won't do, upgrade to a warm panini. Panini's originated in Italy and refers to a grilled sandwich made with a baked roll or anything other than sliced bread. The bread is what makes this sandwich stand-alone. It's not a grilled cheese; it's a panini! Artisan bread, such...
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Making the Grade at Mealtime

For most children, the first few days of August is a reminder that it's soon time to head back to school. However, the start of school can also be the start of stress with hectic schedules to keep track of. Putting a healthy meal in the kids' bellies is just another thing to add to the growing list...
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Make Your Own Pickles

What makes a really good sandwich? A cool, crisp, slightly sour dill pickle on the side, of course! There are many types of pickles on the market, including bread and butter, kosher dill and gherkins. Whatever your preferred pickle, you can learn to make these salty green snacks in your own home....
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Not All Carbs Are Created Equal

Bread, potatoes, rice: these carbohydrates tend to get a bad rap. But are carbohydrates really that bad for you? Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy and are needed to maintain proper cell function. Carbs come in two forms: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates break down easily...
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A Look at Nectarines

Nectarines are often confused with peaches, but when given a second look nectarines are easy to spot because they don't have the fuzzy outside that peaches have. Nectarines are similar in taste to the peach and both exhibit a pit on the inside. A clingstone does just that: the flesh clings to the...
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The Dangers of Sun Tea

Next to water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world. Here in the U.S., about 85% of tea consumed is black tea and iced. The heat of the summer is the perfect time to enjoy a tall glass of refreshing iced tea, but how you brew it is an important step to keeping you safe. When...
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Picnic Potato Salad

Need a Fourth of July side dish? Potato salad is a popular item at a picnic or potluck, but it is also the first to blame when foodborne illness comes to play. Homemade mayonnaise made with eggs is typically the true danger, but most potato salads nowadays are made with commercial mayonnaise, which...
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