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Crazy for Quinoa

Today's blog post is written by Illinois State University dietetic student, Allyson Weier! Switch up your usual side dish with one that is bursting with nutrients and flavor; try quinoa (pronounced keen-wah)! Quinoa looks like a grain and is typically prepared like one, but it is...
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Tomato and Basil: The perfect match

Like Mickey and Minnie, there are certain foods that just simply belong together. Tomato and basil are the perfect match. The slightly sweet aromatic flavor of basil complements the savory juiciness of a tomato. And the world has taken notice; there are countless dishes that highlight these two...
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Lemon Flavored Herbs

On a recent trip to a garden center, I bought what I had thought was sweet basil only to bring it home to realize that it was lemon basil. After pondering what I was going to do with lemon basil, I realized that it really was not much different from other lemon fragranced herbs, such as lemongrass...
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4th of July Sorbet

This weeks blog post is written by Illinois State University Dietetic Intern, Erin Fejes! With Fourth of July just around the corner, many people may be searching for a sweet treat to celebrate with. If you haven't tried sorbet made with fresh berries, it may be just the dessert you've...
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Eat Tuna to Meet Your Seafood Recommendation

According to the Seafood Nutrition Partnership, currently only 1 in 10 Americans follow the 2015 Dietary Guidelines to eat seafood twice per week. Tuna can be a low-cost option to help you meet these recommendations. In 2014, canned tuna was the third most widely consumed seafood in America, behind...
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Grilling Steak for Father's Day

Many grills are sure to be fired up on this Father's Day, and depending upon the honorary dad's taste buds, steak is the choice of meat. When the word "steak" is used without classification, it generally refers to beef. Steaks that comes from the hind end will generally be less tender, as these...
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It's Not a Banana, It's a Plantain

Plantains are a cousin to the banana, but you don't want to make the mistake of peeling a plantain and eating it raw like a banana. Not only will your teeth not sink through it, frankly, it won't taste anything like a banana. Plantains are grown in tropical regions, including Africa and the...
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Step into the Tropics with a Papaya

Step into the tropics by enjoying a sweet juicy papaya. A papaya resembles a melon on the inside, but it is botanically a berry. It has a green to yellow outer skin but is orange to pink on the inside. The cavity is filled with black, edible seeds with a peppery taste. Papaya is native to Mexico...
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All About Oats!

This week's blog post is written by Illinois State University dietetic intern and graduate student, Erin Fejes! Have you ever wondered why oats have become such a popular food item in recent years? From overnight oats to homemade granola, oats seem to be in many recipes these days. Read...
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Spring for Raspberries

I think the cold wet spring is finally behind us. And when the weather starts getting warmer, the desire for light and airy foods get stronger. Raspberries, among all berries, are just the pop of spring our meals and snacks need. Raspberries are a bramble, which is a prickly vine or shrub that...
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