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Is Honey Healthier than Sugar?

I get this question all the time: is honey any healthier than granulated sugar? The short answer is no, but there are some differences to make note of. Both honey and sugar are carbohydrates, but each carry different characteristics. While ounce for ounce, the nutrients in honey and table sugar...
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A Label Shocker! The Truth About Hazelnut Spread

A couple of weeks ago, I received a coupon in the mail for hazelnut spread. I've always wanted to try it so I sent my husband on a grocery run and instructed him to pick some up. I was shocked when I took a look at the nutrition facts label and found out how unhealthy this stuff actually is! A few...
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A Fettuccine Alfredo Makeover

I’ve always been a sucker for fettuccine alfredo. I can distinctly remember my very first taste of the creamy white pasta; I was a long-haired junior high kid on vacation with my cousin, and when she ordered the dish at an Italian restaurant, I had to be just like her, so naturally I ordered the...
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Do I Seriously Have to Preheat the Oven?

I’ll admit; I’m not the most patient person. Most standard recipes will begin with the step to preheat the oven. But my growling stomach sometimes causes me to skip over that part and sneak the casserole in the oven before it “beeps,” alerting me that it’s preheated. The casserole seems to always...
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Consider Health Advantages of Spaghetti Squash

The oblong, pale yellow winter squash that you may have seen at the grocery store or farmers market is known as spaghetti squash. It acquired its name for a reason. Once cooked, the flesh is scraped out with a fork into long thin strands that resemble spaghetti noodles. And because spaghetti...
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Don't Overlook Cauliflower's Potential

Many people find cauliflower bland and uninspiring, and when this colorless vegetable is unseasoned and eaten by itself, I’d have to agree. But you should never underestimate the power of the cauliflower. It’s remarkably versatile with a mild flavor that can work to your advantage, and...
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What Cooks Better in a Microwave?

The microwave oven is generally used for leftovers and TV dinners, but have you ever thought about making cakes or omelets in the microwave? These foods may actually cook better in the microwave than by other heating methods. Microwave ovens cook food by converting electrical energy into...
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Should You Salt Water to Cook Pasta?

Do I need to salt the water when cooking pasta? My years of watching cooking shows on TV would tell me “yes.” But this hefty debate between chefs, dietitians, and the like has gone on for years. As a dietitian, my obvious answer is “no!” but it’s not quite as simple as that. There are two main...
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Understanding Differences in Hams

Ham tends to be a traditional entrée for the Easter holiday meal, and because of its ease, you don’t need a professional chef to cook one. However, you do need to know what to look for when purchasing a ham. Ham comes from the hind leg of a hog. There are many different varieties of ham to...
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Spaghetti Squash-A Different Kind of Noodle

Have you ever tried spaghetti squash before? This oblong, yellow winter squash is a fun vegetable the kids will love. Once cooked, the flesh is scraped out with a fork into long thin strands that resemble spaghetti noodles. And because spaghetti squash is not as sweet as its winter squash...
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