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Take advantage of winter farmers markets

Farmers markets are a great place to purchase locally grown food, but what happens when the summer ends and the market packs up for the season? Those living in and near Bloomington are fortunate to have an indoor farmers market in the Grossinger Motors Arena starting November 18 and running once...
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two cups of hot cocoa

Make your own convenient hot cocoa mix

As the weather turns cooler, you may find yourself reaching for a warm mug of hot cocoa. While it’s convenient to grab a packet out of the box, making your own only takes three simple ingredients: sugar, cocoa powder and milk. This is a far cry from the hot cocoa mix you buy at the store, which...
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Outdoor Dutch Oven with hot coals on the lid

How to cook outside with a Dutch oven

A recent camping trip allowed me to explore a new way of outdoor cooking: Dutch oven cooking. Different than a home Dutch oven, which has a flat bottom and is sealed in enamel, a camping Dutch oven is a pot with three legs on the bottom and a concave lid so that you can spread coals underneath and...
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Jar of everything bagel seasoning on a wooden cutting board

Don’t miss out on everything bagel seasoning

I tend not to eat too many bagels, and when I do, I always opt for sweet instead of savory. Therefore, when I heard people talking about their love for everything bagel seasoning, I had no idea what I was missing. The seasoning on the everything bagel is now available at most grocery stores and...
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Cup of pumpkin puree

Make the most of canned pumpkin

It’s the season of everything pumpkin. While this winter squash can be roasted in an oven and blended into a puree, it is much more convenient to simply purchase canned pumpkin. It can be kept on the shelf ready for it to make its star appearance in everything from pumpkin pie to pumpkin chili....
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Grocery basket filled with food in a grocery store aisle

Grocery shopping tips to save time and money

Grocery shopping may not be your favorite household task. It’s often a mundane chore, yet necessary if you want to have food in the house to eat. Here’s a few tips to save you time and money without sacrificing good nutrition. Get organized and plan ahead. Use a free grocery...
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Fresh loaf of bread next to rising dough and a bowl of water

No ‘knead’ to stress when making yeast bread

A yeast bread may feel intimidating to make, but even a novice baker can pull off making a basic loaf. Yeast breads, of course, use yeast to make the dough rise. Yeast is sold in individual packages or jars. Be sure to refrigerate after opening and check the expiration date, as it will weaken and...
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Bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough

Indulge in safe edible cookie dough

Some may say that raw cookie dough is better than the baked cookie itself. However, raw cookie dough eaters are taking a risk with foodborne illness. Most know that eating cookie dough with raw eggs runs the risk of contracting Salmonella. But this isn’t the only ingredient that deems it...
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Bowl of cashews

Cracking the 'nut': Are cashews nuts, fruits, or drupes?

Call me a nut, but I’m always interested in how my food is grown. Did you know that cashews are grown on a tree? Ok, maybe you did, but did you know that the tree produces fruit, known as a cashew apple, and below the apple hangs a drupe, which is a hard shell that surrounds the cashew? I didn’t!...
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Fresh arugula on plates with miscellaneous food in the background

Arugula is not your average leafy green

With its surge in popularity, it’s likely that you have come across arugula, whether in the supermarket, at the local farmers market, or in a trendy restaurant. Arugula, also known as rocket, is a leafy green with a peppery taste. It appears most often in salads, usually in a mixture with other...
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