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Breakfast foods laid out on a tabletop

Should you think twice before skipping breakfast?

While most Americans have three meals a day, not everyone partakes in breakfast, which is often referred to as the “most important meal of the day.” Maybe you’re in a time-crunch, maybe you’re trying intermittent fasting, or maybe you’re just not hungry.  Whatever the reason, you may wonder...
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pasta salad in a bowl

The possibilities are endless this summer with pasta salad

Pasta salad is the quintessential dish of the summer. This cold side dish makes it’s appearance at every cookout, picnic and potluck. It’s hard to pick a favorite pasta salad, when there are so many variations to choose from. There’s the antipasto salad, BLT pasta salad, caprese pasta salad, Greek...
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jar of sesame seeds and container of tahini paste

Elevate your hummus with creamy tahini

If you’ve ever tasted hummus, you’ve likely eaten tahini. Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds. It’s similar to a nut butter, but instead of using nuts, it uses sesame seeds. Tahini is typically expensive, and thus, I’ve always avoided this specialty ingredient. Instead, I always made...
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Plate of Zucchini noodles in a pan on a cutting board

Zucchini noodles are a nutritious pasta alternative

This blog post was written by Illinois State University student, Hannah Gold. Zucchini is a great source of antioxidants and nutrients, but it might seem like there are only a few ways you can prepare it, such as eating it plain or with minimal seasonings. A fun new way to eat zucchini is...
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Image of fresh oregano on a wooden cutting board with blurry background

Enhance and flavor your food with fresh oregano

Oregano is found in many herb gardens likely due to the large number of dishes it can help flavor. It’s famously known for it’s use in pizza and complements most any tomato dish. Fresh oregano has a bold peppery taste that pairs well with cooked vegetables, including eggplant and zucchini, egg...
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Image of jars of jam or jelly spread out on a tabletop

Make food preservation easy and convenient with steam canners

Now that gardens are being planted, it’s my turn to plant this important seed: how you are going to use the bountiful harvest so that it doesn’t go to waste? Canning is one way to preserve your food, but if that always seemed too overwhelming and time-consuming, maybe you haven’t yet explored the...
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Image of Man and child cooking in a kitchen together while child is flexing their arm

Don’t let your bone health be an afterthought

Osteoporosis doesn’t typically have any symptoms, and most don’t know they have it until a bone breaks. While it mainly affects postmenopausal women, it’s still a major cause of fractures for older men, too. Prevention begins in childhood and continues throughout adult life, but no matter your age...
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Image of a mother and small child cooking together in a kitchen

Promoting child independence in the kitchen

As a parent of two kids ages six and nine, I sometimes have to remind myself to stop doing everything for them. Rather it is my job to teach them the important life skills that will set them up for success as they get older and leave the family home. Establishing independence in the kitchen doesn’t...
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Image of broccoli rabe on a cutting board

Broccoli rabe is versatile and highly nutritious

Broccoli rabe, also known as rapini, isn’t the most well-known vegetable, but that doesn’t mean you should count it out. The whole plant is edible, it’s extremely easy to cook, and it’s loaded with disease-fighting nutrients. Broccoli rabe may have edible buds that resemble broccoli, but it...
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