
Celosia (Celosia argentea)
A large plant group which has great variety in flower type from the cockscomb type to the feather type to the wheat type. All good for the sunny, dry border.
- Exposure: Full Sun
- Mature Height: 8 - 24 Inches (8-24 inches tall depending on cultivar)
- Soil Conditions: Dry
- Bloom Color: Orange, Red, Yellow
- Bloom Season: June - October
- Hardiness: Tender Annual
- Size: Medium
Caring for Celosia
- Full sun in well-drained soils.
- Regular watering helps to maintain flower and foliage quality.
- Will tolerate dry, porous soil.
- Plants left too long in the pots or cell paks before planting often result in poor, stunted garden plants.
- Buy young, vigorous, non-flowering plants and plant them without delay.