
Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
At a Glance
- Exposure: Full Sun
- Mature Height: 2 to 4 Feet
- USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 - 8
- Soil Conditions: Dry
- Foliage Color: Green
- Bloom Color: Orange, Peach, Pink, Purple, Red, Salmon, White, Yellow
- Bloom Season: June through August
- Size: Medium, Tall
Features of Purple Coneflower
Dependable garden perennial offering daisy-like flowers that are now available in many colors ranging from white to yellow to orange to red. Easy to grow and long lived. Tolerant of heat and drought once established. Reported to be deer resistant. Seed heads attract birds.
- Prefers a well-drained garden soil in full sun.
- Avoid heavy fertilization which leads to tall leggy plants that fall over.
- Deadhead to extend the bloom period.