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Lawn Repair after Winter Damage

With damaged lawns in the news lately, I thought I would share tips on renovating lawns this spring from fellow University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator Chris Enroth. Spring is a time when we must go into landscape rehab mode. Mother Nature has shown her friendly side with the warmer...
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Should you grow grass under Trees?

One thing I constantly get asked when assisting with the Master Gardener help desks, is "How do I grow grass under a tree?" The answer usually is, "You don't grow grass under trees." It can be very difficult to create a nice-looking stand because most grasses need sun to grow and the roots of...
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Strawberries Revisited

Spring Sweetness: Strawberries Strawberry Facts 1. It takes 15-60 visits from pollinators for one plump strawberries. Adding pollinators to the garden can increase yield by over 500%. 2. Strawberry plants decline in quality and production after a few years so...
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Bald Eagle by Jason Haupt

The Bald Eagle has inspired feelings of majesty and strength long before it became the symbol of the United States. This bird looks strong and powerful and awe inspiring when in flight or sitting on a perch. The way that the Bald Eagle looks makes it easy to see how it was chosen as the national...
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Red-Tailed Hawk by Jason Haupt

One of the most prolific birds of prey seen in Illinois is the Red -tailed Hawk. They are frequently seen along roadsides perched in trees, on light poles, and fence poles. When you see a hawk, you are most likely seeing a Red -tailed Hawk. Red-tailed Hawks are large hawks with rounded wings and...
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Try these Exotic Vegetables in the Garden This year

Would you like to try growing something new in your vegetable garden this year? "These unusual but elegant vegetables are sure to give you restaurant-quality meals throughout the summertime," claims University of Illinois Extension Horticulture Educator, Kelly Allsup. Haricot verts...
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Mitigating Storm Tree Damage Workshop at Eureka Library

Mitigating Winter Damage to Trees and Woody Shrubs workshop Please join the University of Illinois Extension Woodford County Master Gardeners for a hands-on workshop titled Mitigating Winter Damage to Trees and Woody Shrubs on Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eureka Public Library. Illinois...
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