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Tomato basil salad on a blue plate

Time to eat your tomatoes

This blog post was written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Kayla Kaspari.  Whether a tomato is considered a fruit or vegetable is one of the most highly debated questions in the food world. No matter what they are, tomatoes find their way to our...
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Assortment of green herbs laid out on a wooden cutting board.

Use herbs to flavor up your favorite drink

One of my favorite ways to use fresh herbs is to add them to different drinks. It brings a completely new dimension to what may already be a familiar drink. It can be as simple as adding mint to your iced tea, basil to your lemonade or rosemary to your orange juice. There are many ways to impart...
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Various pieces of food creating a bunny face (pretzel sticks for whiskers, kiwi slices for ears) on a white plate.

Sweeten up with kiwifruit

Originally discovered in China, kiwifruit found it’s way to producers in New Zealand, Italy, Chile and in the United States, California. While today’s generation is growing up with kiwi available at the grocery stores all year round, many generations had never heard of this funny looking fruit. It...
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Pass the chili sauce

Which condiment do you grab? Sriracha, classic chili sauce or maybe a sweet red chili sauce? These are all examples of different kinds of chili sauce, some of which are excellent for dipping our favorite finger foods. Chili sauce is a blend of puréed or chopped chili peppers, vinegar, sugar and...
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Chicken salad sandwich with lettuce and bread, set on a napkin on top of a table.

Lighten up your summer salads

Summer is a good time to enjoy a meat salad or egg salad sandwich. A cold sandwich that differs from the standard deli meat or pb&j, is a welcomed item on the lunch menu. Of course, the classic diner favorite can be a high calorie offender, depending on the ingredients used. Tuna, chicken and...
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A bundle of thyme sprigs in a white bowl set on a white wooden table.

Thyme to enjoy fresh herbs

Now is the thyme to enjoy fresh herbs. I have been enjoying the bounty of my herb garden, which my husband and I planted in a garden box made out of a recycled wooden pallet. It sits just outside our back patio for easy access. Thyme is an herb that we plant every year, as I use it in so...
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Yellow weight on a barbell.

Pump up the iron with iron-rich foods

While you may be pumping iron at your gym, your body is pumping iron every day. Most of the iron that our bodies absorb is used to make hemoglobin, a part of red blood cells that transport oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. Since our bodies cannot make this essential nutrient, we need...
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Blue background, glass in the middle of picture with water being poured into it.

Why water?

This blog post is written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Jesi Thome.   Have you ever wondered why people say water is so important? We grow up hearing “make sure to drink plenty of water” for everything! If it’s hot outside, drink water. If it...
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Hiking trail in the woods.

Think food safety before you hit the trails

Many people are itching to get out of their homes and enjoy the beautiful weather, which is why there's been an increased interest in forest bathing. Don't worry, this does not involve actual bathing! Quite simply, forest bathing is being in nature while having a conscious...
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