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Simply Nutritious, Quick and Delicious

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Fish tacos next to limes and a bowl of guacamole

Recognize hunger cues with intuitive eating

Most people couldn’t be happier to start this new year; a fresh start and a step away from a year that dared to isolate and defy our self-contentment. The most common New Years’ resolutions include exercising, eating healthy and losing weight, and after such a challenging year, likely even more...
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A pot on a stove with steam coming off the top

One pot meal made simple

This blog post was written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Kayla Kaspari. Before you go out and grab a pre-made bite to eat, make a healthy meal in one pot! One-pot meals make cooking easy, fun, and they make cleanup a breeze! While eating out is...
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Cutting board with avocado, tomatoes, mushrooms, and various other vegetables

Meatless meals

This blog post was written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Kayla Kaspari.  Many cultures (Mediterranean, Latin, Asian) and diets (vegetarian) are rooted in meatless, plant-based meals. Some individuals never consume meat, while others limit meat for...
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Chickpeas on a baking sheet

Level up on legumes

This blog post was written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Kayla Kaspari.  Garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas, are a part of the legume family and are grown similarly to soybeans or peas. These plants produce edible seeds, called pulses, that...
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Spiralized zucchini and carrot noodles on a black plate, with a whole carrot and zucchini off to the side.

Get in-spiralized by zoodles

This blog post was written by Illinois State University graduate student and dietetic intern, Kayla Kaspari.  Get inspiralized by zoodles, or zucchini turned into pasta noodles. Spiralizing has gained popularity over the last few years, and not just in your kitchen. You can now find...
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Three slices of cauliflower on a cutting board.

The versatility of cauliflower

Cauliflower is no longer just a side dish; it’s often the star of the meal. This cruciferous vegetable is like the underdog that has recently been discovered for it’s enormous talent. What’s it’s talent? Versatility. Chefs and foodie entrepreneurs have given this bland veggie new life. Use...
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Four quesadilla slices and pico de gallo on a blue plate

Making quick meals for at-home learning

The school year certainly looks very different this year. While some children are eating lunches at school, many others are eating and learning from home. Suddenly parents or caregivers find themselves searching for quick, easy meals to fuel their children for an afternoon of learning. Use...
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A wicker basket on a table filled with a dozen starfruit.

Bring home the starfruit

Starfruit may not be the most well-known fruit, but I bet you can figure out what it looks like. Shaped like a star when sliced, it’s also called carambola and is native to Southeast Asia. Carambola trees produce yellow to lime green fruit with a waxy rind on the outside and a juicy pulp on the...
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Two glass canning jars on a table, one standing up with the lid on, the other tipped sideways with the lid on the table

If you're planning on canning

Food preservation has skyrocketed this year, likely due to more people staying at home looking for a safe and sustainable project. In fact, University of Illinois Extension’s “Fill Your Pantry” webinar series hit a record number of participants (view recordings and handouts at...
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Chopped tomatoes surrounding a knife

Know your knives

Every kitchen is sure to have a knife or set of knives. But let’s face it; these razor-sharp tools can be intimidating. How comfortable are you at using a knife, caring for your knife, and knowing which knife to use? There are many different types of knives, but I’ll focus on three essentials. The...
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