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The Benefits of Tai Chi for Older Adults

What is tai chi? Tai chi is the practice of slow, gentle movements while having a meditative state of mind and mindful breathing. This form of exercise has been found to be a safe exercise because of the slow, gentle movements. Tai chi was originally founded in China, but you...
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Embracing Kindness: Tips for Making Kindness Routine

The month of February has many holidays and observances focusing on kindness, love, health, and well-being. Two of these observances are Random Acts of Kindness Day, held on February 17, and Random Acts of Kindness Week, held February 9-15. These annual events are focused on the importance of...
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the words you got this written on the ground

How to help youth build resiliency

What does resilience look like? It’s that process of how we deal with difficult situations or adversity. Life is full of difficulty, such as experiencing loss, stress, anxiety, depression, fear, just to name a few. On the other hand, life also can bring about an abundance of joy, determination,...
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Managing the winter blues

Winter is upon us and those longer hours of darkness coupled with the colder temperatures can make many people experience those “winter blues.” I am much more aware of the signs of mental health challenges having become a certified trainer for Mental...
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Mindful holidays: Reducing stress for a joyful season

The holiday season can evoke a wide range of emotions, from anticipation and joy to reflection and nostalgia. This time of year often stirs up a multitude of thoughts, feelings, and memories, offering opportunities for connection and celebration. However, it can also bring added stress to an...
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