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Many benefits of volunteering

As part of our community wellness effort, this month we want to talk about the importance of volunteers. What a volunteer gives to an organization in time, expertise and spirit can never be repaid. However, there are also many benefits to the individual that make it one of the most rewarding things...
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Too Much is Not a Good Thing

While on vacation a few weeks ago, I noticed there were many elementary and middle school aged children present at our resort. I also noticed that many of them had something in common.- their rudeness, lack of manners, and disrespect for others. What was interesting was that when...
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Play Is The Way

Child's play is a phrase that describes something that is very simple to accomplish.  However, child's play is actually increasingly complex tasks that have a large impact on a child's social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development.  Infants play by themselves, called "solitary...
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More Characteristics of Positive Aging

In the last article I mentioned that optimism, socialization and purpose were just a few of the characteristics proven to improve quality of life. So what are the additional elements that contribute to positive aging? Of course, eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight is another...
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Characteristics of Positive Aging

Everyone is aging, but do you ever wonder why some people seem to age more successfully than others? We all know of some older adults out there that just seem to be more "spry." But this is not always in a physical sense. They might be mentally sharp and just overall vivacious! What is their secret...
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Growth Charts

In my previous job working with families with children under the age of three, parents talked a lot about growth charts. "My child is in the X percentile for height and the X percentile for weight. What does this mean? Should I be concerned?" Of course, the first thing that we did was direct the...
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Take a Stand...For Your Heart

Stroll through any store this time of year and you're bound to see the color red, valentine hearts, and love. Hearts are all around us in every shade of pink and red. This February, I'd like to encourage you to show a little love to your heart. The American Heart Association recognizes...
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Caregivers Can Manage Stress with Self-Care

If you are in the habit of reading this blog, you know that I have written several times about the topic of caregiving. Having worked with older adults and their caregivers in my former career "life" and continuing to provide programs for them, I feel that they are some of the most selfless, noble...
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Lead Poisoning

Earlier this month, there was a news item on TV about a local family whose daughter was suffering from lead poisoning.  She had a lead blood level 9x higher that what is recommended as acceptable by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  The national news stories last year about Flint,...
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