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Helping Your Child With Homework

Growing up, I struggled with math. Bringing math homework home became a dreaded task. My dad faithfully and dutifully helped me with my math assignments…..but, because it wasn't my strongest subject, and he excelled at it, our homework sessions often ended with both of us frustrated with...
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Trick-or-Treat Safety

"Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!" Does anyone remember that little rhyme? My favorite season is Fall and I always look forward to Halloween each year. I love the decorations, the TV specials and scary movies, the costumes - and don't forget the candy!! My son decided...
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Family Night In - October

Fall is here, which may make you think of activities such as football games, field trips, or wiener roasts.  Instead of planning another event out, mark your calendars for a night for "family night in," where you stay home and do an activity as a family.  Some ideas for the beautiful...
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Aging in a Positive Light

From the time you are born, you start to age. Everyone on this earth is aging. The word "aging" is associated with positive words like "wisdom", "timeless", "experienced". But it also generates as many or more negative words and visuals. Why is there such a negative perception of aging or getting...
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Healthy Adult Sibling Relationships

Recently my four siblings, their spouses, and I got together for our annual sibs weekend. (I'd post a picture of us, but at least one of my sisters would, shall we say, object STRONGLY.) I can always count on my siblings for a lot of laughter, gentle ribbing, and reminiscing and this led me to...
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Couple Relationships and Parenting

It seems that lately, my Facebook feed is just blowing up with pictures of babies! I currently have many friends, family and colleagues that are having babies – and I am so excited for them and this amazing time in their lives. This has inspired me to do a little digging in my files and to share...
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Supporting Young Children's Writing

It seems like we pay a lot of attention to encouraging children to read, but what about writing?  Supporting children's writing begins early, even with children who are one year old.  Ideas to encourage those toddlers: Provide non-toxic writing, painting and drawing materials Talk to...
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Family Night In - August

Overwork and over scheduling take a toll on families and relationships as we find less time together, especially to just hang out.  Taking a break to spend some relaxed time together as a family can be a way to reconnect.  A family night in is doing something together at home that...
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Success For The School Year

As the end of summer draws near and schools supplies pop up in local stores, parents and kids alike start focusing on the new school year. While the new year brings a level of excitement and anticipation, parents wonder on how to make the new school year successful for their children. All parents...
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