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Make 2016 the Year of Less Stress

  Lately, it seems like everyone I know is under a lot of stress. Loved ones to care for, events to plan, finances to balance, and paperwork to complete – these are just a few of the culprits behind their stress. No one can prevent stress, and a little bit can actually be good for you because...
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Alzheimer's Prevention

As the population in America ages, the number of people with dementia, including Alzheimer's, will continue to rise.  These increasing numbers will mean a burden to our health care system and to the family members called upon to provide care.  In an article posted at, Dr....
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Make Time for Mealtime

Many things can happen spontaneously during a family meal - We share family stories We support one another by offering help for concerns or struggles We share family values and expectations We problem solve But many families feel they are just too busy to make time for mealtime.  So...
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Family Night In - January

What is a family night in?  It's doing something together at home that everyone in the family can enjoy.  Busy families have to intentionally plan some relaxed time together.  Family night in doesn't have to be a major event.  In fact, simple things are often the most fun and...
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Who will get Grandma's yellow pie plate?

Who will get Grandma's yellow pie plate? Have you ever thought about where your personal belongings would go after you are gone? Have you started downsizing your house? Almost everyone has personal belongings such as photographs, jewelry, tools or simple everyday household items that hold meaning...
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Resolve to Work on Your Bucket List in 2016

Well, it's that time of year again, when we not only reflect on how fast time really does fly, but also ponder the things we've done and the things we've left undone in 2015. It is likewise a time when we start to think about the upcoming year and perhaps things we'd like to accomplish. Often times...
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Distracted Dining? Steer clear of it!

A new University of Illinois study reveals that distracted dining may be as dangerous to your health as distracted driving is to your safety on the highway. "Being distracted during meals puts kids at added risk for obesity and increased consumption of unhealthy foods. In this study, we found that...
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Caregivers Need Care Too!

November is national Caregiver Awareness month.  Most of us are aware of someone who takes care of a friend or loved one.  If so, then this person may be in need of a "lift."  The October/November 2015 edition of AARP The Magazine lists 100 ways to do an act of kindness for a...
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November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month and National Caregiver Month. After working in the field of aging for sixteen years, I have found that this is a topic no one wants to learn about until it affects them. Here are some facts about Alzheimer's disease: In...
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RIP: Distinguishing Between Peer Conflict and Bullying

A concerned parent once approached me with a myriad of questions on bullying. Why was her child being excluded from the peer group? What about name calling – is that bullying? Why is her child being picked on? What can she do to help? As the questions went on, one in particular stood out to me: "Is...
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