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Bedtime Battles: Let’s Talk Sleep

"My baby has slept through the night since he was 2 weeks old." This is something that all tired parents have heard, longed for, and even envied, yet a peacefully sleeping child seems a far off dream. Sleep. It's one of the keys to your child's development yet, one of the most challenging aspects...
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Help! My Baby Won't Stop Crying!

One of the seven developmental stages that infants and young children must go through that is especially stressful for parents is crying – especially unexplained crying. All babies cry. They cry because that is the only method they have of communicating with us. They are usually trying to tell us...
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Toddlers Exploring the World

Today's blog entry is taken from the award winning Extension series, Your Young Child. When your child is between 1 and 3 years old, she will probably be interested in everything and everyone, especially if it's new or different.  She will want to be part of whatever you do. ...
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Choosy Eating: Just Relax, It's Probably Normal!

What's your greatest worry about your toddler's eating?  Not trying new foods?  Only wanting to eat certain foods over and over again (the "food jag")?  Refusing to eat entire groups of foods such as vegetables?  All of these behaviors by your toddler are very common and normal...
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Early Years Are Learning Years

April 12th - 18th is the National Week of the Young Child, sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).  The Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize the importance of early learning and early literacy.Each weekday during the Week of the Young Child...
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Stress–Less and Your Brain Will Thank You!

When you think of the word stress you can probably easily identify the areas of stress in your daily life - from balancing your family and work, to dealing with finances, to handling family and relationship issues – daily stress is all around us! It is also likely that you can effortlessly identify...
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Stress–Less and Your Brain Will Thank You!

When you think of the word stress you can probably easily identify the areas of stress in your daily life - from balancing your family and work, to dealing with finances, to handling family and relationship issues – daily stress is all around us! It is also likely that you can effortlessly identify...
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Socialize for a Better Brain

"What did the grapes say when they got stepped on? Nothing – they just gave a little w(h)ine." Just a little brain teaser in honor of Brain Awareness Week (March 16-22), which we have dedicated all of our posts to this past month. We have covered how sleep, a nutritious diet, physical exercise,...
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Feed Your Brain for Sleep and Health Benefits

Today we have a guest blogger, Leia Kedem, Nutrition and Wellness Educator, talking about the impact nutrition has on brain health. We eat to nourish and fuel the body, but how often do you think about feeding your mind? More and more studies are demonstrating the importance of certain...
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Brain Awareness: Why You Need a Good Night's Sleep

To continue this month's highlighting of Brain Awareness week (March 16-22), this week's topic is on the benefits of slumber. Sleep affects both mental and physical health. According to Dr. Merrill Miller, a sleep expert and neuroscientist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), "Sleep services...
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