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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass

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diagram of branch bark ridge and branch bark collar

Tree pruning tips for 2021

Like a scene from an old western: with a pair of sterilized pruners, and her boots, horticulturists Kelly Allsup walks up to the newly planted English White oak hybrid. Her sole intent of increasing the life of an urban tree. She walks around...
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blueberries on the bush

Growing strawberries and blueberries

The 2021 Garden Trends Report by Garden Media Group says, “Victory garden was spurred by the increase in home cooking in 2020. GMG says 31 percent of people would like to grow fruits in their backyard and berries are at the top of the list.” Strawberries...
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Photo credit Kelly Allsup. Gardeners prune brambles in late winter to help the plants produce more fruit in the growing season

Winter pruning boosts blackberry and raspberry harvests

One of the simple joys of summer is picking berries straight from the bush and enjoying a sweet treat. Pruning blackberry and raspberry bushes now ensures a bumper harvest in the summer. “As a child, my grandparents would send my sisters and I to the unmanaged portions of their property to pick...
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growing crops in bags

Edibles or ornamentals? Container trends for 2021

Patio containers will grow food and boast hues of silver and white, and I think we may even see gardeners experimenting with growing sweet potato vine towers. Long gone are the acre gardens with rows and rows of vegetables. The current gardeners are growing their food in patio pots, garden bags,...
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Mint plant on window sill in small container. Image: Eleanor Chen via Unsplash

Herbs all winter: grow them indoors

While winter can give gardeners a nice break from their usual garden maintenance, they undoubtedly miss the ability to harvest and enjoy the fresh garden bounty. Try growing fresh, flavorful herbs indoors this winter to add some green to your home and zest to your recipes! Many herbs are native to...
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Erin Minuskin -

Feed the birds with DIY feeders

Creating simple, homemade birdfeeders is a great way to support feathered friends during the cold winter months when food sources are scarce. It also allows us to be creative, resourceful, and engage with nature while stuck indoors. Make your backyard more wildlife-friendly by making a few of these...
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LEGO sculpture of adult and child gardening together

Give the gift of gardening

Six Garden Gifts  Gardening is a mindful practice that can only be sourced outside in the fresh air, with your hands in the dirt, creating a pallet of flowers and fruits. This past year, many new gardeners tested their skills while experienced gardeners stretched...
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