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Flowers, Fruits, and Frass

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bush bean seeds in hand

Order your seed catalogs now; plan better for next year

Here we are, knee-deep in the holidays, and our gardens have finally been tucked in for the long winter nap. It’s a time of year many growers look forward to, a time to finally put up their aching feet, assess how the growing season went, reflect on successes, failures and what to do better next...
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Hosta in fall

Take care of hostas going into winter

Hostas are among some of the most cherished perennials of all time, creating a lush pallet of bright greens, muted greens, chartreuse greens, variegated greens and creams, and blue greens. This fall, some are displaying a vibrant yellow lighting up the landscape. They come in miniature versions to...
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Stacked pumpkins in front of a hay bale

Choose local foods this Thanksgiving

Celebrating the year’s crops with a Thanksgiving feast has been a tradition for over 400 years. Likely in 1621, individuals fed their families and communities by growing vegetables in the field. This past summer, Illinois residents went to farmer's markets despite pandemic conditions as America...
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Bright red leaves of a burning bush shrub

What you should know about Burning Bush

The glow of the intense bright red color, corky ridges on the branches, and bright orange or red berries  of your neighborhood burning bushes may entice you, but remember planting and growing them will lead to further degradation of the Illinois wildscape. The ornamental berries of this common...
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Make fall garden clean-up fun for the kids!

It will soon be time to put our gardens to bed for the year. Fall is a perfect time to get the kids out in the garden, with the cool temperatures and changing of the season. Have them help you with some garden chores combined with fun activities, engagement with nature, and even learning too!...
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Whitefly everywhere!

Don’t fret over whitefly infestations on flowers as these latecomers to the landscape most likely don’t require control because they won’t make it through the Illinois winter. Only plants that make the journey back inside should be monitored and or treated for these insect pests. Clouds of...
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Put your garden to bed with fall/winter cover crops!

Like it or not, fall and winter will be here before we know it! During the off-season, too many gardeners leave their vegetable or flower gardens bare over winter. This can cause major problems for the following growing season, especially an invasion of winter weeds and erosion of high-quality...
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