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neon pink sign that says breatheIn today’s world, especially now, no one is immune to feeling stressed. Eustress or positive stress can help motivate us to do well and get things accomplished. However, according to University of Illinois Extension educators, if stress accumulates and is not managed effectively or there is no outlet for it – stress can become chronic and have adverse effects on our minds and bodies.    Chronic stress has potentially harmful effects across the lifespan on the brain, on one’s

Mindfulness for Stress Reduction

In today’s world, especially now, no one is immune to feeling stressed. Eustress or positive stress can help motivate us to do well and get things accomplished. However, according to University of Illinois Extension educators, if stress accumulates and is not managed effectively or there is no...
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Journal your way to a grateful heart

Many people find journaling a great way to process feelings in a positive way. The benefits of keeping a gratitude journal aren’t instant; rather they happen over time. Journaling with an attitude of gratitude may help you put away negative thoughts and experiences and build patience, humility, and...
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Work Smart from Home

In a time when more people are working from than usual, we felt it might be helpful to offer some tips for working from home. Of course some of these tips are best when working from home and not while some are trying to both teach their children and do their jobs from home. We understand if some of...
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stack of books with a rolled up diploma and graduation cap

Helping teenagers deal with disappointment

The teenage years revolve around friends, school, family, sports, and events. Cancellation and social distancing may have real effects on the emotional health of teens. Look for: Change in Sleeping Patterns: Are they getting 8 hours of sleep daily? Change in Behavior:  Are...
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person reading book and drinking coffee

Caregiver Tips for Older Adults

There are over 34 million people in the US that provide care for someone over the age of 50. Although there tends to be an average profile for caregivers, their population is greatly diverse representing both genders and all races, cultures and ages. However, the majority of caregivers give of...
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Keeping in Touch While Keeping Your Distance

It is safe to assume that many adults today remember being told at one time or another by their disciplining parents, “You are grounded and are not to leave the house.” This typically meant separation from friends, playing outside, and taking part in planned activities. Even if it’s been a while...
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