Leia- I have a recipe that everyone in our family LOVES - but it has to be the most fattening dish ever invented. Is there anything you can do with it to make it healthier? It is yummy, and there's never a smidge left over. However, I'd rather not kill everyone in the family by bringing it to...
Farmers market season is almost upon us, a sure sign that spring is finally here. After a seemingly endless winter, many are ready to get outside and browse the stalls filled with colorful, fresh produce.And if you don't already frequent farmers markets, you might want to consider a trip. But why...
Today's post was written by Caitlin Huth. Caitlin Huth, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian and Nutrition & Wellness Educator serving DeWitt, Macon, and Piatt Counties. She teaches nutrition- and food-based lessons around heart health, food safety, diabetes, and others. In all classes, she...
As you may have heard, the Nutrition Facts panel is about to undergo renovations. Seems like the same old story. Just when you've gotten used to something, it up and changes. But change isn't always bad, and we need it in order to move forward. To get a better idea of whether this one is good or...
Images courtesy of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Illinois official spring hunting season is here. No, I am not talking about wild turkey
Eggs! The wonderful protein –cheap, easy to prepare and versatile! You can poach, boil, coddle, bake or fry them. Fold them into an omelet or bake them in a casserole. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack, eggs are a perfect addition to anyone's diet. Why not eggs? Here are some tips/facts about...
Pro= “supporting”…biotics= “life” Where do probiotics come from? The World Health Organization calls probiotics the “live microorganisms, which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” Probiotics are found in...
Have you heard? The FDA recently announced plans to revamp the Nutrition Facts label. This tool was introduced more than 20 years ago (!) and was designed to help consumers make food choices in the supermarket. Many people think this information has made it even more challenging to figure...
Howdy! If you're like me, you cringe every time you have to throw away a piece of moldy or suspiciously smelly piece of food, produce, or leftovers. I hate wasting food, because it's like wasting my hard-earned money, especially when I know it can be prevented. It makes sense that wasting less food...