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Decoding Eye Supplements

If you are fortunate to be reading this blog, your eyes may be working well. For Healthy Vision Month, let's talk eye health and decode eye supplements. Nutrients in Eye Health All nutrients are important for health, and the eyes tend to accumulate carotenoids, like leutin,...
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Stress and Digestion

April is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Awareness Month. If you don't know what IBS is or what it's like, then consider yourself lucky. Between 25 and 45 million people in the United States (10 to 15% of the population) are affected. The...
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Spring into Activity

What does it mean to be physical active? Being physically active simply means that your body is moving and using energy. Of course, the degree of intensity and the duration of activity will play a role in the determination of the overall health benefits received from the activity...
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Cheers to Your Colon Health

In a double whammy, March plays host to National Nutrition Month as well as Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. (Although what month doesn't have several health celebrations attached to it!) There are a variety of health conditions that affect the digestive system, including the lower intestines,...
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Go Low (Sodium) - Part 2: Mealtime Steps

One of the most challenging things about eating out is the added salt (and thus added sodium). It sure makes our foods taste good, but eating less sodium has benefits to our health. As a refresher, table salt also goes by the name sodium chloride. So
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Matters of the Heart

Thoughts of chocolates, flowers and romance are in the air as Valentine's Day approaches. February appropriately is also Heart Health Month which should help get us thinking about more long-term gifts for the special "Valentines" in our lives. Adopting a healthier eating pattern helps decrease the...
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Cancer and Foods During Treatment - Part 2

As the new year starts, many people pick improved health as a goal or resolution, whether that is weight loss, getting to the gym, or stopping smoking. Since January hosts Cervical Health Awareness Month, this post - Part 2 – will focus on picking foods during treatment. ...
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