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Heart Healthy Grocery Shopping

  Heart healthy cooking starts at the grocery store. Our environment plays a key role in our food choices! We tend to eat what is convenient and what is in our presence. So, what do you think your chances of eating healthy are if your counter tops and refrigerator are full of unhealthy foods?...
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Sitting Disease

Boosting physical activity is a great way to improve health long-term. The recommended amount is 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous activity which includes things like brisk walking (4 mph), jogging (6 mph), hiking, mowing th
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Warm Up with a Hot Cup of Tea

With the blustery winter weather, a hot cup of tea, coffee, or cocoa is a favorite way to stay warm. America's second favorite beverage, aside from water is tea. January is also hot tea month. Tea whether it is black, green, white, or oolong, is a low calorie beverage choice with potential health...
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New Real Year

Happy New Year from University of Illinois Extension and Illinois Nutrition Edition! Welcome to 2017! This is the time of year many gym memberships get purchased, inspired men and women make decisions to eat healthier, smokers set goals to stop smoking, along with other intentions. In 2017, I...
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Decoding Cold and Flu Supplements

It has been a fairly mild autumn season and winter is starting to arrive with the cold weather. And cold and flu season. Who has been sick so far? The flu and many colds are caused by viruses. Viruses cannot be treated with antibiotics, since those kill bacterial infections. However, as miserable...
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Keep your Skin Radiant this Winter

**Follow these healthy skin tips to keep your skin soft and healthy all winter long** 1. Eat a healthy diet for radiant skin inside and out Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are beneficial Limit processed foods, refined grains (white flour,...
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Sweet Potatoes are a Superfood

Yesterday we learned that sweet potatoes are considered a superfood. And although there is no true definition of a superfood, we know superfoods are foods that are packed full of key nutrients and phytochemicals. What are Phytochemicals? Phytochemicals are naturally occurring...
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Fun Facts about Sweet Potatoes

This holiday season many of us will be sitting down to enjoy our favorite traditional and seasonal dishes. One dish commonly enjoyed is candied sweet potatoes. This versatile food has become increasingly popular and is a great addition to any meal. And with more and more Americans looking to...
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Gifts of Health for the Holidays

  The November 28, 2016 Nutrition and Wellness team's Motivation Monday is being shared as a blog post.   Are you making your holiday gift list and checking it twice? Why not give a gift of health? We have all been the recipient of or given gifts that sit in the closet never to...
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