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Cooking Solutions: Sauces

In a follow-up to the roasted veggies post, I started thinking about ways I make meals easy and quick, but still flavorful. What occurred to me were sauces I use in recipes. Sauces add another level to otherwise plain recipes. Lately, sauces I use in cooking have been pesto, tomato salsa, salsa...
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Recipe Rescue: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Okay, who doesn't love a good old-fashioned grilled cheese sandwich on a rainy day? Or even better, a grilled cheese sandwich served with a steaming bowl of creamy tomato soup. April showers bring May flowers; but in the meantime, here's how to revisit childhood (or make new memories for your own...
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Spruce Up Motivation for Old Goals

During this season of renewal, it's a good time to take stock with your health goals. Even if you've been successful in the past, a healthy lifestyle has ups and downs. The phrase "what's old is new again" can apply to food and exercise just as much as fashion trends. We have an insatiable appetite...
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Cooking Solution: Roasting Veggies

I enjoy cooking at home and feel good about it, since research shows these meals tend to have more nutrients and fiber and less fat and sodium.  Plus I get to control what goes into my meals. However, the lazy cook in me has shown up lately, and it has been a struggle to want to follow a recipe or...
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Recipe Rescue: Bacon and Cheddar Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are THE quintessential Easter appetizer. Then again, they can be found year-round at all types of parties, picnics, and holiday gatherings, too. Sadly, deviled eggs can be devilishly high in fat and calories thanks to liberal amounts of mayo and sour cream mixed into the filling, but...
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Boost Brain Power with Familiar Foods!

Do you blame your aging brain for forgetting someone's name? Billions of brain cells can get bogged down with age, making it harder to keep up with cognitive demands like remembering where you left your car keys. Or whether your friend's cousin is named Dave or Dan. Unfortunately, we don't have the...
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Recipe Rescue: Lemon Bars

Lemon bars are one of my all-time favorite springtime desserts. They're bright in both color and flavor and are a great way to end a meal on an uplifting note. But lemon bars aren't usually as light in calories as they are in appearance. I've tweaked this treat to be just as satisfying, with the...
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Feed Your Brain for Sleep and Health Benefits

We eat to nourish and fuel the body, but how often do you think about feeding your mind? More and more studies are demonstrating the importance of certain nutrients for brain health. Food influences energy levels, mood, memory, and more. In this first article of two on brain health, we'll cover...
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